Kubota wedding commercial concept pitch
Kubota wedding commercial concept pitch
Kubota wedding commercial concept pitch
Kubota wedding commercial concept pitch
Kubota wedding commercial concept pitch
Kubota wedding commercial concept pitch
Kubota wedding commercial concept pitch
Kubota wedding commercial concept pitch
Kubota wedding commercial concept pitch
Kubota wedding commercial concept pitch
Kubota wedding commercial concept pitch

A set of board work with Canadian company Underdog. These boards were used for a possible Kubota tractor commercial. The script called for showing a family that uses Kubota tractors throughout the generations.

All nine grayscale boards were completed in Adobe Photoshop CS6.

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Kubota wedding commercial concept pitch
Kubota wedding commercial concept pitch

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Kubota wedding commercial concept pitch
Kubota wedding commercial concept pitch

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Kubota wedding commercial concept pitch
Kubota wedding commercial concept pitch

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Kubota wedding commercial concept pitch
Kubota wedding commercial concept pitch

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Kubota wedding commercial concept pitch
Kubota wedding commercial concept pitch

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Kubota wedding commercial concept pitch
Kubota wedding commercial concept pitch

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Kubota wedding commercial concept pitch
Kubota wedding commercial concept pitch

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Kubota wedding commercial concept pitch
Kubota wedding commercial concept pitch

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